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Actually, using the criteria of a fair payout, there is one time to play and to buy as many tickets as you can afford. In the case of Powerball, you should play anytime the grand prize increases to past $146,107,962 (or double that amount if you want the lump sum payout). As soon as it hits $146,107, 963, buy, buy, buy! Because the chances of matching five white balls and the one red ball are exactly one out of that big number, from a statistical perspective, it is a good bet anytime your payout is bigger than that big number. For Powerball and its number of balls and their range of values, 146,107,962 is the magic number, casino online ukash:. The idea that your chances of winning haven’t changed but the payoff amount has increased to a level where playing is worthwhile is similar to the concept of pot odds in poker [Hack #37]. You can calculate the ‘magic number ” for any lottery. Once the payoff in that lottery gets above your magic number, you can justify a ticket purchase. Use the ‘correct series’ of calculations in our example for Powerball as your mathematical guide. Ask yourself how many numbers you must match and what the range of possible numbers is. Remember to lower the number you divide by one each time you ‘draw’ out another ball or number, unless numbers can repeat. If numbers can repeat, then the denominator stays the same in your series of multiplications. One important hint about deciding when to buy lottery tickets has to do with determining the actual magic number, the prize amount, which triggers your buying spree. The amount that is advertised as the jackpot is not, in fact, the jackpot. The advertised ‘jackpot’ is the amount that the winner would get over a period of years in a regular series of smaller portions of that amount.
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